MTV – My Super Sweet World Class; Channel 4 - The Sex Education Show; ITV2 - I’m a Celebrity Get Me out of Here Now; BBC3 - Make My Body 10 Years Younger (Burlesque Expert); BBC Culture Show; BBC News; ‘Dangerous’ – James Blunt Music Video, International Music Television; London Live - Drag Queens of London (Mentor); BBC1 - Heir Hunters (Expert, airing January 2015)
BBC Radio 2 – The Arts Show; BBC Radio London; BBC Radio Berkshire; Galaxy FM: BBC Radio Norfolk, BBC Radio Humberside
The Metro; The Times; Time Out; Vintage Life; Milk Cow Magazine; What’s on Stage; Recognise Magazine; Equity Magazine; Edinburgh Spotlight; The Scotsman; Oxford Mail; Three Weeks; Erotic Review; Eastbourne Herald; Lynn Life; TNT; Forbidden Angels; Scots Gay Magazine; The Stage
'Her humour and quick wit...sass and oodles of sex appeal, hold the audience in the palm of her perfectly manicured hands from the very moment she takes the stage. She has a voice as smooth as velvet...' The Gay UK 2013
‘Burlesque Queen’ What’s on Stage 2009
‘Gratuitous show-stealer Tempest Rose, a burlesque performer with devilish charms' Time Out 2009
'Her velveteen voice and teasing charm will leave your seat wet. If it doesn’t, you must be dead from the waist down.’ ScotsGay 2010
‘Tempest Rose owns the audience…Top-notch cabaret singing’ Erotic Review 2010
‘Phenomenally talented Tempest Rose who almost steals the show with her own quick wit, sublime stage presence and snap, cackle and jazz singing voice.’ Three Weeks 2010
‘Topical, satirical and enjoyable’ Edinburgh Spotlight 2010
‘Beautiful Tones’ What’s on Stage
‘It is all raised to another level by the so-called Ring Mistress Miss Temptress Rose, blessed with a keen wit and a filthy laugh. She controls the evening beautifully, and is a smart and gorgeous host.’ Fringe Review 2010
‘Tempest Rose is indeed a woman who oozes so much sex appeal she is probably illegal in several countries’ Recognise Magazine 2013
'She is possibly the best mistress of ceremonies in burlesque today. At any rate, she has the best voice by a considerable margin.' This Is Cabaret 2015
'The perfect hostess' - Everything Theatre 2014
'Not only is she talented, but also she might just be your hero by the end of the hour and a half show.' - A Younger Theatre 2014
'She is glamorous, humorous and above all has a brilliant voice' London Theatre1 2015
'Pure gold... She hits the mark perfectly as our host' - This Is Cabaret 2014